Dharan, A., Campbell, E.M. (2022). Teaching Old Dogmas New Tricks: Recent Insights into the Nuclear Import of HIV-1. Current Opinions in Virology 2022. PMID 35121335
Dharan, A., Bachmann, N., Talley, S., Zwikelmaier, V., Campbell, E.M. (2020). Nuclear Pore Blockade Reveals that HIV-1 Completes reverse Transcription and Uncoating in the Nucleus. Nature Microbiology. PMID: 32483230
Dharan, A., Campbell, E.M. (2018). Role of Microtubules and Microtubule-Associated Proteins in HIV-1 Infection. Journal of Virology. PMCID: PMC6069196
Dharan, A., Opp, S., Abdel-Rahim, O., Keceli, S.K., Imam, S., Diaz-Griffero, F., Campbell, E.M. (2017). Bicaudal D2 Facilitates the Cytoplasmic Trafficking and Nuclear Import of HIV-1 Genomes During Infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PMCID: PMC5740630
Dharan, A., Talley S., Tripathi, A., Mamede, J., Majetschak, Hope, T.J, Campbell, E.M. (2016). KIF5B and Nup358 Cooperatively Mediate the Nuclear Import of HIV-1 during Infection. PLoS Pathogens. PMCID: PMC4915687
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