

Carl Bauer

Carl Bauer

Distinguished Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Adjunct, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
regulation of gene expression by environmental factors such as light and oxygen; Differentiation of bacteria into different cell types

Matthew L. Bochman

Matthew L. Bochman

Director of Graduate Studies, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Affiliate, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
maintenance of genomic integrity with a focus on DNA helicases and other factors involved in DNA replication, recombination, and repair; the evolution of DNA helicases

Robert Calderon

Robert Calderon

Assistant Scientist, Department of Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Brian Calvi

Brian Calvi

Professor, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Lingling Chen

Lingling Chen

Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
Microbial structure, function and mechanism; evolution of chaperonin Hsp60; cryo-EM studies of human mitochondrial Hsp60

Kay Choi

Kay Choi

Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Research Interests
Replication mechanism of RNA viruses; Structure and function of viral RNA; Development of RNA scaffolds to facilitate structure determination by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy

David Daleke

David Daleke

Dean of the Indiana University Bloomington Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Health Sciences

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Charles E. Dann III

Charles E. Dann III

Associate Professor, Chemistry

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
protein structure-based drug design targeting cells involved in epithelial cancer and autoinflammatory disease, biochemical, mechanistic, and X-ray crystallographic analyses of regulatory RNAs; developing riboswitch-based molecular sensors

Adarsh Dharan

Adarsh Dharan

Assistant Professor, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Jim Drummond

Jim Drummond

Chair, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Adjunct, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
limited alphabet coding sequences and proteins: a minimalist approach to structure and function

Clay Fuqua

Clay Fuqua

Professor, Biology

Clyde Culbertson Professor, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Peter C. Hollenhorst

Peter C. Hollenhorst

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Medical Sciences Program

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
research focuses on the mechanisms that allow genome sequence to dictate the transcriptional control of gene expression

Heather A. Hundley

Heather A. Hundley

Professor, Biology

Sagalowsky Professor of Biology

Director, GCDB Graduate Program

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
gene regulation in development and disease, effects of tissue-specific gene expression on organismal health and behavior, regulation and function of RNA editing

Alizée Malnoë

Alizée Malnoë

Associate Professor, Biology

Affiliate, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Jake McKinlay

Jake McKinlay

Professor, Biology

Director, Microbiology Graduate Program

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Anirban K. Mitra

Anirban K. Mitra

Associate Professor, Medical and Molecular Genetics

Adjunct, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Marc Morais

Marc Morais

Faculty Co-Director, Electron Microscopy Center

Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
utilizes cryo-electron microscopy, x-ray crystallography, and bioinformatics to elucidate the structures of complex macromolecular assemblies and machines; virus structure and the general principles by which viruses self-assemble; how virus self-assembly strategies can be targeted in the design of anti-viral therapeutics and the construction of nanomachines

Tuli Mukhopadhyay

Tuli Mukhopadhyay

Professor, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
Virus Assembly and Spread

Hengyao Niu

Hengyao Niu

Associate Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Affiliate Professor, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
detection and repair of DNA breaks with a focus on Homologous Recombination (HR) mediated DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair; interplay of DNA repair machinery and chromatin structures

Heather M. O'Hagan

Heather M. O'Hagan

Associate Professor, Medical & Molecular Genetics

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

John Patton

John Patton

Professor, Biology

Blatt Chair of Virology

Microbiology Section Associate Chair, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Craig Pikaard

Craig Pikaard

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Carlos O. Miller Professor, Biology

HHMI Investigator

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
mechanisms of RNA-mediated gene silencing and large-scale epigenetic control

 Jared Schrader

Jared Schrader

Associate Professor, Biology

Affiliate, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Sidney Shaw

Sidney Shaw

Professor, Biology

Director, IU Light Microscopy Imaging Center (LMIC)

Director, Integrated Freshman Learning Experience (IFLE)

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Jia Shen

Jia Shen

Assistant Professor of Medical and Molecular Genetics

Adjunct, Biology

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Julia van Kessel

Julia van Kessel

Associate Professor, Biology

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
bacterial cell-cell communication (quorum sensing), gene regulation, bacterial development, microbial genetics and biochemistry

Claire E. Walczak

Claire E. Walczak

Assistant Director of Research, Medical Sciences Program

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Medical Sciences Program

Adjunct Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Medical Sciences Program

Adjunct Professor of Biology, College of Arts & Sciences, IU Bloomington

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

  • cwalczak@iu.edu
  • (812) 855-5919
  • Indiana University School of Medicine Bloomington - Myers Hall 262, MSCI

Research Interests
research studies the fundamental molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to the proliferative growth associated with cancer

Malcolm Winkler

Malcolm Winkler

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Adjunct Core Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Affiliate Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
Cell biology, physiology, and molecular genetics underlying the pathogenesis of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); dynamics and regulation of peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall synthesis using single-molecule and high-resolution microscopic, genetic, and biochemical approaches.

Adam Zlotnick

Adam Zlotnick

Distinguished Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

Adjunct, Biology

Adjunct, Chemistry

Core Faculty, Biochemistry Graduate Program

Research Interests
biophysics of virus assembly related to virus biology, development of antiviral strategies, and construction of virus nanostructures